Cover Image for 2024 Goals

2024 Goals


Yay it’s one of my favourite blog posts of the year – that of my 2024 Goals. I try to ensure that I can track every one of these goals, yes I do have too many spreadsheets and keep too much data. I should get out more, but also I now have an expensive flat so I shall go out less. There’s only so much I can do in a year – this is to try to ensure that I get maximum enjoyment out of life, but also improve my conditions so that I can continue to enjoy life even … Continued

Cover Image for Review Of 2023 Goals

Review Of 2023 Goals


So in 2022 I managed a 61.6% success rate in terms of reaching my goals – could I beat it in 2023? Time to review and see how I did: Health Lose 12kg. Well I actually lost weight in 2022. Not quite 12kg, but 6kg. Happy with that. 50% success. Do 3 forms of exercise that are not walking. Lol, maybe in 2024. 0% success. Get some data on my health. Well I’ve started measuring my blood pressure. 33% success. Find out what sorting my teeth out will cost. I did send an e-mail to a private dentist but didn’t … Continued

Cover Image for 2023 Goals

2023 Goals


Ahh it has come to that time of year to write some goals for the year that is already one month in – my 2023 goals. Though I have been achieving already – 5kg lost, 3 cultural activities done, 2 good restaurants visited, 4 very good roast dinners and just one poor one, several friends caught up with, family visit, a job search initiated, my portfolio improved and the old one sacked off, another personal project light-released and actually getting my head back into working at M&S. I might even go into the office. Who knows what I will have … Continued

Cover Image for Review Of 2022 Goals

Review Of 2022 Goals


Well, I guess I should work out what I achieved and didn’t achieve in 2022. BIG LIFE-CHANGING STUFF Be paid like a senior engineer. Well, this was in the pipeline and was finally confirmed before I even starting turning this from draft comments to an actual post. Though at the time of writing, I still hadn’t actually been paid at the new rate. Maybe there will be a company-wide pay rise or a software engineering one too. Result: Achieved – though I knew it was happening before 2022 started, it just wasn’t confirmed. 100% success. Seriously look into buying a … Continued

Cover Image for 2022 Goals Update

2022 Goals Update


Well if it was a few degrees less hot right now, then I’d be going outside and enjoying the sunshine rather than writing a blog which about 3 people will read, but hey, I like writing and Lola is keeping me chilled right now. So I thought I’d have a quick look at how I’m doing with my goals for 2022. Goals I will/should achieve: Well I already achieved the being paid like a senior engineer goal by time I finished writing my goals. So that one is done. Roast to-do list should get to under 50 – I’m at … Continued

Cover Image for 2022 Goals

2022 Goals


Right, time to set myself some goals for 2022. Maybe I can get this post written before April? Most of them are in my head anyway. But until I put them down in writing, they aren’t proper goals, are they? Big Life-Changing Stuff Be paid like a senior engineer. Well, this was in the pipeline and was finally confirmed before I even starting turning this from draft comments to an actual post. Though at the time of writing, I still hadn’t actually been paid at the new rate. Maybe there will be a company-wide pay rise or a software engineering … Continued

Cover Image for Review of 2021 Goals

Review of 2021 Goals


Yes it is that time of the year where I look back at what I achieved in the first 3 months of the year whilst I was on detox, and then talked about doing for the next 9 months, with a review of my 2021 goals. So the way this will work is that I will copy all the goals from my 2021 goals post, italicise the original goals, write about what I didn’t achieve beneath that and give myself a score. Fun, huh? Well I like doing it. HEALTH Lose 10kg. I can do this. I think I will … Continued

Cover Image for Longer Term Goals

Longer Term Goals


I’ve recently found myself being in plodding mode. You probably know that mode, it is very easy to fall into where you are just doing life stuff, going from day to day, week to week, everything is reasonably fine but there isn’t any progress towards goals. So I’ve started thinking about longer term goals. Where do I want to be in 5 years time? What would success look like? What do I need to do to achieve this? I’ve narrowed it down to 3 main goals: Be living in my own flat in London (actual London – not Harrow). Become … Continued

Well I’ve been a bit miserable and grumpy this last few weeks – and this has happened a few times since England lost in the final of Euro 2020. Not convinced that is the causation – it’s probably more a combination of the lack of sunshine, needing a break/holiday, being a bit bored at work, being alone more than normal, sadness/hopelessness over world events like in Afghanistan, drinking too much – I quite enjoy wallowing in misery at times, which is why I watch football. It’s weird, nothing has changed in my life from when I was answering, “really good” … Continued

Cover Image for 2021 Goals

2021 Goals


Time to set myself some goals for 2021, and they will not involve any holidays, and definitely not Japan. Clearly I am setting them in height of the pandemic with little opportunity to do much that doesn’t involve a computer, so they will be slanted towards computer stuff. I’m also setting environmental targets for the first time ever. Don’t worry, I still love steak, actually really appreciate the usefulness of plastic and would love to get a flight or 10 in 2021 in an ideal world. Health Lose 10kg. I can do this. I think I will actually do this … Continued

Well we all know what 2020 was like in terms of fun, enjoyment and quality of life. So, was 2020 a productive, successful year for me? I’ll go through the original goals for 2020 that I set myself in, erm, February (don’t you remember that we still had a life in January?) – original headings in bold, original elaboration in italics, and 2021 comments in ordinary font. Not sure why I explained that to you as it should be obvious what I’m doing. Health Two Detoxes. A 3-week detox prior to my 40th birthday and a 3-month detox after my … Continued

Updated: Goals 2020


Shit happened. I need to amend my goals for the year slightly: Health Two Detoxes Don’t drink every night. A 3-week detox prior to my 40th birthday and a 3-month detox after my birthday. Should be easy, right? Try not to drink every night. Stop unnecessary drinking. This is the bottle of wine at home on a Friday night after work, or the can of beer at my desk on a Friday afternoon, or drinking prosecco on a Tuesday afternoon at work…that kind of thing. If I didn’t need to lose weight, I wouldn’t be so bothered…but I really do. … Continued

Cover Image for 2020 Goals

2020 Goals


Whoa, it’s only the second month of the year and I’m already publishing my goals for the year. I didn’t even get around to it last year. Health Two Detoxes. A 3-week detox prior to my 40th birthday and a 3-month detox after my birthday. Should be easy, right? Stop unnecessary drinking. This is the bottle of wine at home on a Friday night after work, or the can of beer at my desk on a Friday afternoon, or drinking prosecco on a Tuesday afternoon at work…that kind of thing. If I didn’t need to lose weight, I wouldn’t be … Continued

Cover Image for Review Of 2019 Goals

Review Of 2019 Goals


I used to write full lists of goals for every year, forget about them and then review them at the end of the year. Though over the last few years, I’ve put much less effort into writing goals, and much more effort into achieving. So much so, that I never got around to writing goals for 2019 – but I did have a few in my head. 1. Get a significant pay rise or a new job I failed to get any form of pay-rise – only a “we’ll look at it at the end of the year”, and yes, … Continued

2018 Goals


I have goals.  I started thinking about them in January and finished some point last month.  In no particular order of priority, bar the top 2. Lifestyle Lose Weight.  Shock horror, this is here again and my number one goal.  Last year I started at 90kg and aimed to get down to 82kg.  I finished at 96kg.  This year I start at 97kg and want to get down to 85kg.  And next year, no doubt, I will be aiming to get down to 90kg or something fuckwitty like that. 3 Month Detox.  No alcohol and limited red meat for 3 … Continued

Now birthday season is long out of the way, it is time to set myself some goals for the year ahead.  Or the next 11 months anyway. I’m never sure this is the most exciting post ever, but I like posting it so there. Lifestyle Lose Weight – My original plan was to get down to 87kg last year, then 83kg this year.  Given that I failed, I’m amending this to 85kg this year (I’m currently 91kg as of writing). 36 Day Detox – I’m upping it by 5 days this year (in effect an extra weekend, eeek!) and including … Continued

Review Of 2015 Goals


This probably isn’t my most interesting of posts, but I like to have it up for posterity.  Red text denotes success or lack of it: Lifestyle Lose Weight – So I didn’t quite manage my 6kg target last year.  I finished at 94kg, pretty much what I started on but averaged 91.5kg.  My goal is to get down to 87kg by December.  It’s a long-term goal – a lifestyle change not a crash diet.  I had got down to 89k, but ended close to 93kg.  Total failure. Monthly No Computer Evening – I live my life around my computer.  All … Continued

2015 Goals


I know we are 4 weeks in but I have finally written all my goals for the year. Lifestyle Lose Weight – So I didn’t quite manage my 6kg target last year.  I finished at 94kg, pretty much what I started on but averaged 91.5kg.  My goal is to get down to 87kg by December.  It’s a long-term goal – a lifestyle change not a crash diet. Monthly No Computer Evening – I live my life around my computer.  All day at work and I’m sat in front of it most of the time I am at home.  So on … Continued

Review Of My 2014 Goals


It’s about time to look back at my goals for 2014 and see what I achieved.  Can you believe that some people (yes more than one!) have actually asked me how I got on, and what my 2015 goals are?! For 2015 I am going to attempt to make my goals a little more interesting.  Somehow. So these were my goals for 2014: 1. A normal one to start – continue to do well at work.  I am hoping that there may be further opportunities seeing as we have just taken over a company 2-3 times our size.  I am … Continued

2014 Goals


So these are my goals for 2014. 1. A normal one to start – continue to do well at work.  I am hoping that there may be further opportunities seeing as we have just taken over a company 2-3 times our size.  I am happy in my job and would only move for a significant pay rise. 2. Studying.  I have much more to learn about Photoshop though at £27 a month I won’t be using it often!  I need to decide what else to learn in terms of web development later in the year – Javascript or PHP seem … Continued

Review of 2013 Goals


It only took me until August to write down my goals for 2013.  I’ve been busy this year, and seemingly more productive. I find setting goals for my life at the beginning of the year helpful – writing them down reminds me during the year of what I am trying to achieve. In grey are my original goals – in black is the reality. 1. Continue to do well at work and beat targets.  At some point though I do need to increase how much I earn. I pretty much kicked the arse out of my targets at work.  Refreshing … Continued

2013 Goals


I thought that it was time to formalise my goals for 2013.  Having them in writing is likely to help me focus where required – and in my current case, refocus. These were what I wrote down at the beginning of the year: 1. Continue to do well at work and beat targets.  At some point though I do need to increase how much I earn. 2. Studying.  I really want to continue to learn web design, in particular CSS3 and also Photoshop. 3. My web sites.  Start updating Ubereadoolische every week and see where I can take it.  Also … Continued

Reviewing 2012 Goals


I set myself 15 goals at the beginning of the year.  I thought I should do a little review of them: 1. Most importantly, try my hardest to find a good new job.  Success. 2. Open at least one business.  Preferably two.  Failure and I don’t have time for this. 3. Launch at least one website.  Nearly there! 4. Continue to learn how to DJ, do more DJ mixes, and play out somewhere.  Success. 5. At least do all I can to look into running an event with house music.  I have ideas which need looking into properly but for … Continued

Goals For 2012


Time to set myself some goals.  And yes, guess what, I am going to blog about it.  Always good to have these things in public I think! 1. Most importantly, try my hardest to find a good new job.  Even if I have to take a not so good one at first, I will have a good job that I get satisfaction from again. 2. Open at least one business.  Preferably two.  I have an idea, it is quite simple, it might work, it might not.  There really is no excuse for not doing this by end of February. 3. … Continued