Cover Image for The Struggle To Find Good New Music

The Struggle To Find Good New Music


Why has it become so hard to find good new music recently? I don’t want to be one of those middle-aged blokes who drone on about how music was better in my day – just 2-3 years ago there was plenty of music to excite me. Why am I unable to find good new music now? It’s not for the lack of effort. On an average week I guess I consume 100+ tracks that I’ve never listened to before on YouTube (mostly). These are found mostly from combing DJ set lists, a few radio shows by the likes of Hessle … Continued

Cover Image for Where I Am Musically – 2022/23

Where I Am Musically – 2022/23


Music is still a huge part of my life but I don’t really talk to people about it – people ask me what my favourite roast dinner is, not what my favourite track is. Plus I do like some weird music, anyway. But on the off-chance you are interested, here goes. Firstly, I’m way more organised than you might think. I have blogs. Yep, James has a blog about something. Every single track that I love, I list on House Minimal Techno Disco – which is basically a load of YouTube videos on a website. I wrote the website years … Continued

Cover Image for Me & Music in 2020

Me & Music in 2020


So we’ve reached that time of year where everyone tells you how shit 2020 has been. Of course, I will be doing the same, but I’ll try to offer a more positive slant – and what can be more positive than music? If ever music has been necessary it has been in 2020, but it is necessary every year and has been all through my life, especially the more difficult parts where it is a source of solace, a world of musical refuge – and sometimes also offers me opportunities to wallow in misery, when I see fit. Or jump … Continued

Cover Image for I Own 2,000 CDs

I Own 2,000 CDs


A few months ago, I reached the dubious milestone of owning 2,000 CDs. Which made me think, why the fuck do I own 2,000 CDs? I do listen to them all once. Before broadband, CDs were my main format to listen to music – and even discover music, and I would listen to each CD dozens of times. Now I listen once, perhaps twice. I still buy them. Not as many as I used to, but I still buy one or two a month. It is my way of being able to justify downloading individual tracks via Soulseek or similar … Continued

I thought it might be interesting to have a look at the kind of music that I’m into nowadays. Well, interesting to me, perhaps – I’m not under any illusions that people are especially interested in my music tastes, bar a handful. I listen to a lot of minimal still, especially of the hypnotic Romanian variety – though I feel the peak of creativity has passed, and it has started to become oversaturated with averageness – as most successul music scenes do. The scene that I find most exciting at the moment is the “offbeat techno” scene, almost owned by … Continued

My Top “10” Tunes Of 2011


It was difficult enough in 2010 to pick out my top ten favourite tracks, but this year is even more difficult, though there is a clear number 1 for me. I tried my best but could only get it down to 20, so here goes: 20. Christian Burkhardt – Stopover Goa – This track has so much energy and was one of the first tracks of 2011 to really get me in the party mood.  Soooo Cocoon. 19. David K – Somewhere In My Head (Deetron Remix) – I’ve only very recently discovered this, a beautifully haunting piece of minimal.  Yes, there is still … Continued

You probably know that I have a top tunes blog, though it only has a fraction of the amount of visitors that my normal blog does. In July, I had 162 unique visitors, and these are the tracks that they most clicked on: 1. Duke – So In Love With You (GummiHZ Edit) – 32 listens 2. Art Department – Without You (Jamie Jones Remix) – 17 listens 3. Maceo Plex – Can’t Leave You – 16 listens 4. Benoit & Sergio – Walk & Talk – 11 listens 5. Jamie Jones & Gadi Mizrahi – Nasty Things – 6 … Continued

February’s Top 5 Tunes


I would like to point out the top 5 tunes, according to visits to my top tunes blog in February: 1. Benoit & Sergio – Walk & Talk (409 views) 2. Art Department – Without You (Jamie Jones On The Fly Remix) (14 views) 3. Pteradactil Disco – Big Ass Biscuit (10 views) 4. The Gathering – In My System (Jef K System Mix) (6 views) 5. Nicolas Jaar – Student Hairstyle (4 views) I remain amused that one tune is more popular than all the others put together, though I think this is because for some reason if you search for … Continued

You may know that I have another blog, my top tunes blog.  I have decided that I would like to list each month, the most popular tunes, by searches to my top tunes blog, so here goes: Benoit & Sergio – Walk & Talk (207 views) The Gathering – In My System (Jef K Remix) (11 views) Deniz Kurtel – Yeah (Jamie Jones Shower Aquafunk Mix) (8 views) Nicolas Jaar – Student Hairstyle (6 views) Blehorkestar Bakija Bakic – Fizheuer Zieheuer (Todd Terje Edit) (5 views) I think it is quite interesting how one tune has got way more people … Continued

My Friday Potion


I came back from work a little tired and deflated, I needed a pick me up, I consumed one or two of them and now I am good to go. All legal. All free.Die Vogel – Blaue Moschee (I apologise to any German readers for my lack of umlauts but I don’t know how to do them) – a super uplifting trumpet techno track Cocoon Ibiza Party Animals Video – yes I have posted it before but it is so enjoyable I am posting it again! And this 10 minute video of Cocoon in Ibiza, circa 2005 at a guess, … Continued